Body Love is something I have felt so much pressure around. Growing up and having an eating disorder I had outside forces that made me feel guilty for not loving my body. Body Image is how you perceive yourself looking from the outside. How you appear to look in photos, mirrors, certain clothing, etc. It is a person's perception of their physical body. Not everyone has a perfect relationship with their body image. I would even argue to say no one does. At some point, everyone has looked at themselves and have had negative thoughts slip into their mind. This is 100% normal and should be more talked about and accepted.
I myself have struggled with body image from a very young age growing up as a dancer. As I have grown up my physical self image has gotten worse. With that also comes social media telling me to love my body. When people post things about loving their body and “you should love your body always”, it makes me feel inferior. I am substandard because I can’t love my body. Body love is often unattainable because you are never going to love your body all the time. I feel Body Love should have a broader/deeper meaning when teaching this or speaking about it.
In recovery there has always been an expectation of, “I’m not recovered until I love my body”. When in reality, that is a lot of pressure and keeps things solely focused on body image. Instead we can expand its horizon with more supportive sayings that are more reachable. Body Respect is one. Listening to your body is another. You deserve the same respect and kind words you would give others. This body has carried you through your whole life and deserves to be able to show you what life has in store. Even when you feel badly about the way you look, or your body, you still take care of it.
Additionally, we all need Body Acceptance. Even if you don’t feel positive about your body, you can work with it and not against it. Specifically, this can be achieved by focusing more on the health of your body and not the looks. Finally, we all should have Body Trust. Trusting to listen to body signals, cues, and meeting your body's needs. Taking back and reclaiming your body after you have suppressed yourself from it for so long.
When struggling with body image or spreading awareness it is important to remember body neutrality. You don’t have to obtain all three types of body neutrality by any means. It could be helpful to find which resonates with you most and work towards that place. Body Love can have a broader definition. Like many relationships you may have, you can love your body and not necessarily like it. With that it is important to still Respect, Accept, and Trust (RAT) your body.
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