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Showing posts from April, 2024

My Story with Anna

Anna invaded my personal space. Uninvited, she entered my home. I remember when she first sat down with the family during dinner. Everyone was engaging with her, while I sat there silently observing. She was speaking about subjects I had heard of but had never considered in that manner. Once Anna had left my house for the first time, I thought that would be the end of her. Unbeknownst to me, she was in my class at school the next day. The words she had spoken the night before seemed to linger in the air, reaching my classmates and me. When it was time for lunch, Anna was wandering around, looking for a spot. However, she did not seem worried about not knowing anyone. She had a presence that drew everyone in. I was attracted to her appearance and invited her to join us for lunch. Anna and I talked about everything under the sun during that first lunch. Our lifestyle, hobbies, favorite foods, and sports that interest us. During our conversation at lunch, I knew we would become close frie

Raising Awareness for People with Uncommon Eating Disorders

  The spectrum of eating disorders is often veiled. Throughout human experiences, misconceptions about all things are developed daily. While anorexia and bulimia can be triggering words, there are lesser-known disorders that equally invade people's lives- like a parasite. These are often eluded and misunderstood. This leaves individuals who experience these disorders feeling invisible and dissimilar. Throughout this blog post, I will be discussing the overlooked sides of mental health and the types of eating disorders that go under the radar. Here's to everyone's journey, because no one is the same. Let's lift the veil through public awareness and understanding.    Before reading, please know that I am not an expert on any of these topics. For peer-reviewed resources, please see the reference list at the end. My goal is to raise awareness and be a voice for people.   Drunkorexia: Adults and some teens,  may restrict their food intake before drinking or going out. The r