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Showing posts from December, 2022

Surviving the Winter and Holidays

  The temperature outside was dropping and so was my body’s core temperature.  This time of year brings up many emotions and memories. Some are good, but most are painful and uncomfortable. I will cut right to it. The winter season is brutal for people with eating disorders. It gets harder to hide. The winter months are not just hard because of all the holidays surrounding food, the weather hurts our bodies. My bones would hurt from being extremely cold.  No matter the level of severity that someone's eating disorder, it is always important to have extra care for people around the holidays (no matter, what everyone is valid and deserves to recover) In the hardest times of my eating disorder, holiday meals were always around. I was tip-toeing around eating and trying to hide my sickness as much as possible. Even if your loved ones know about your eating disorder, meals can still be really difficult. Especially when there is an increasing amount of diet-culture talk that goes on arou