"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" (Marilyn Monroe). Oftentimes, more often than not, we perceive ourselves as our negative thoughts. We can intentionally do it or not. These negative thoughts are normal. Thinking of fighting off these thoughts or beating them can be overwhelming in the sense that they will automatically go away after one time of "beating them up." Instead of this mindset, we can use it to defuse them and detach yourself from made-up perceptions of yourself inside your head. Throughout treatment, I have found or been introduced to nine techniques to use that I find helpful when I am being invaded by unhelpful views of myself. Cognitive fusion is having the frame of mind that "I am my thoughts, and what I am thinking is true." Some examples of these ideations could be, "I am not as pretty as him/her. I will never succeed in life. My legs are too big. I do not do enough movement for food." A simple exa...